Friday, March 23, 2012

how can I bold the text in the sumtotal panel

I have a matrix report with sumtotal.

I can change the font color etc' in the sumTotal title, but I want to change the color in the values that it not seem like the regular data with no success.

here the report that i talking about

(the black row is the sumTotal)


From your description, it seems that you want to modify the value's color in your report, right?
If so, I think you can achieve that by using the expressions. You can design a report so that different styles are applied to items based on the data in the report. For example, you can display negative numbers in red or change the background colors on a table.

To make styles conditional, use an expression instead of a static value for the style properties of the item. For example, to make a text box render negative values in red for a field called Profit, open the Properties Window and use the following expression in the Color property:

For font:
=Iif(Fields!TotalDue.Value < 10000,"Red","Black")
For background color:
=iif(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2, "PaleGreen", "White")

For more information, see


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