Iam trying to connect to local copy of sql sever express from the command prompt with this command(sqlcmd) but i get the error below. What should i do to overcome the error. Basically what i want to do is to try out some commandline backup utilities and i deadly want to know how to do a backup from the command prompt. Help is greatly appreciated.
HResult 0x2, level 16, state 1
Named pipes provider: could not open a connection to sql sever [2]
sqlcmd: Error: Microsft sql native client: An error has occurred while estarblishing a connection to the sever. When connecting to sql sever 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL sever does not allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft sql native client: Login time out expired.
Assuming you have the server name correct I would check in the control panel --> administrative tools --> Services and make sure that sql express is running|||I got it right. Looks like it was a typing mistake. But i have one question here, backingup a database from the command prompt to me looks tiresome. What is likely to go wrong if i just copied my projects folder from the production sever to a nother machine where i want the backup to be insteady of going through all these good but confusing steps. I i just copied the folder to a nother location or computer, are the end results not the same with if i had follwed all these database backup procedures. Dont laugh at me, iam still new to this stuff.|||Hi,
This might be caused since SQL Server 2005 does not allow remote connection under default configuration. Please enable this according to the following KB article.
HTH. If this does not answer your question, please feel free to mark the post as Not Answered and reply. Thank you!
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