Friday, March 30, 2012

How can I convert datetime to number of minutes

I have a column in a table that stores the number of hours a task took to do. The column TaskDuration is a datetime datatype. I need to convert the hours to something that can be summed. Does anyone how this can be done? I tried CONVERT(nvarchar(5), tblTasks.TaskDuration, 108) but of course the nvarchar(5) cannot be summed. Maybe there is a way to convert the time portion to minutes and divide it by 60, anyway if someone can offer some help I appreciate it.

Try something like this

(datepart(hh, tblTasks.TaskDuration) * 60) + datepart(mm, tblTasks.TaskDuration)


I tried this and it will return the number of minutes for the hours; however, the Parenthesis will not stay around the (datepart(hh, tblTasks.TaskDuration) * 60) in the view. So the (mm) are not being added.

Well it is adding time for the minutes but 30 is calculating to 10, so 03:30 is returning 190 minutes and it should be 210.

Any ideas?

|||I gave you the wrong datepart signifier, try datepart(n, tblTasks.TaskDuration)|||

Ok, so now that I have the number of minutes, can I convert this to hours and minutes. What I mean is the reporting tool needs a numeric column to sum on, so 03:15 needs to be 3.25.

Is this possible?


I tried and it looks to be returning the correct format. If you have any comments, I appreciate them.

CONVERT (FLOAT, DATEPART(hh, dbo.tblVolunteerTasks.VTaskDuration) * 60 + DATEPART(n, dbo.tblVolunteerTasks.VTaskDuration)) / 60

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