Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How can I choose a query based on Parameter values

I have 3 parameter fields, last-name, middle-name, first-name
and the view/table of database has just one string combined of all
three(and it is NOT possible to split).
I need to provide search facility with any combination of these three
I am very new to this environs and would like to know how I can
achieve this.
Do I have to create an SP which checks if each of the fields is NULL
and do accordingly ?
any help will be appreciated
BofoIf I understand what you want correctly you could do this:
select * from yourtable where name like '%' + @.FirstName + '%' + @.MiddleName
+ '%' + @.LastName + '%'
The above query doesn't care if a parameter is null, or has a space or a
partial first name, partial lastname etc (I don't know if they are putting
in the names freeform or picking from a listbox). Anyway, that should at
least give you an idea.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
<> wrote in message
>I have 3 parameter fields, last-name, middle-name, first-name
> and the view/table of database has just one string combined of all
> three(and it is NOT possible to split).
> I need to provide search facility with any combination of these three
> fields.
> I am very new to this environs and would like to know how I can
> achieve this.
> Do I have to create an SP which checks if each of the fields is NULL
> and do accordingly ?
> any help will be appreciated
> Thanks
> Bofo|||Hello Bruce,
Thanks for the advice. I have been trying queries in those lines but I
dont get the results.
I get the result only in the case where the Lastname, Middlename and
Firstname match.
for example
I have tried the following:
Name LIKE '%' + @.last + '%' + @.middle + '%' + @.first + '%' --> only
matches if all strings are provided.
Name LIKE '%' + @.last + '%' + @.first + '%' --> matches all with the
last and first
I can use an OR to consider all possibilities but when i have to
consider the cases when the user gives a single param i will always get
a bunch of results even when the user gives the fullname
For this reason i would like to know if I can put some PL/SQL logic for
diff cases but seems like that is not the way to go as my query is not
being accepted.
Is there any other way I can do this ? a Stored P ? any ideas how to
do it ?
Thanks very much
bofo|||I go it working. Using a stored procedure.

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