Im trying to convert 0x00085180F0A2D511B69600508BE96424 to Integer or numeric format.
I just tried, At to many forms and combinations of that query
Help me !!!
SELECT CAST(CAST(CAST("field name " AS nvarchar) AS varbinary) AS float)
select cast(cast("field name " as varbinary)as integer)
select convert(int," field name") from FILE
select convert(varchar," field name") from FILE
The only answer that I have is
-1947638748 or or
And if I try with to many rows of the field at the same format,
It Answer me the same: -1947638748 for all the rows.
Thank`s for allcreate table #t1(f1 binary(16))
select *
from #t1
insert into #t1 values(convert(binary(16),'0x00085180F0A2D511B6960 0508BE96424'))
select convert(integer, f1)
from #t1
--The result is 1093813301. I dont see -1947638748
drop table #t1|||:D THANK YOU!!!, forXLDB
Just one more question please
Whats the reason for the space in the middle of the expression?
Before convert
Original Expresin
Convert expresin
'0x00085180F0A2D511B6960 0508BE96424'|||thank you...|||Sorry, but the actual answer is MUCH larger! You can't express that VARBINARY value as an integer, or even as a NUMERIC(38) which is the largest SQL Server will allow. The following code shows what I mean:DECLARE
@.b VARBINARY(16) -- binary image to convert
, @.i INT -- Which byte we're working on
, @.m FLOAT -- Multiplier for this byte
, @.a FLOAT -- Accumulator
SET @.b = 0x00085180F0A2D511B69600508BE96424
SELECT @.i = DataLength(@.b), @.m = 1, @.a = 0 -- Start with lowest order byte
WHILE 0 < @.i -- While bytes left to process
-- SELECT @.a, @.m, @.i, SubString(@.b, @.i, 1) -- Show your work
SELECT @.a = @.a + (@.m * CAST(SubString(@.b, @.i, 1) AS INT))
SELECT @.m = 256 * @.m, @.i = @.i - 1 -- Prepare for next byte
SELECT @.m -- Show results-PatP|||Thanks Pat Phelan
I like that explication step by step.
It really please me.sql
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