I want to combine three fields together as a description in a select statement. When I try using the & or + I'm told that the datatypes are incompatable. How can I join them?
(Item_Description is Nvarchar, Item_Cost is Money, Is_Active is bit)
Select Item_Description&' '& Item_Cost&' '& Is_ActiveAsDescriptionFROM tblItemList
I tried Casting this but same incompatable message.Select Item_Description&' '& CAST(Item_Cost AS NVARCHAR) &' '& CAST(Is_Active AS NVARCHAR) AsDescriptionFROM tblItemList
What I'm hoping to end up with is:
Brake Pedal, $36.00, True
Did you try using the + operator after casting?
Item_Description + ' ' + CAST(Item_Cost AS NVARCHAR) +' '+ CAST(Is_Active AS NVARCHAR) As Description
What are the datatypes of the above fields?
Ok, Scott, I tried the + again and it did work, however, can you point me in the direction of how to format the money to $36.00 and the bit to True or False. I would like to end up with:
Brake Pedal, $36.00, True
Item_Description+', $'+Cast(Item_Costasnvarchar)+', '+ dbo.ufnGetBoolean(Is_Active)
The ufnGetBoolean function is:
CREATEFUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGetBoolean](@.BitValue [bit])
-- Returns a string value based on the bit value passed
DECLARE @.retvarchar(5);
SET @.ret='false'
IF(@.BitValue= 1)
SET @.ret='true'
RETURN @.ret
Let me know if that works.
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