The hosting company does not offer to setup merge replication for me.
1) Is there a hosting company that offers replication too ?
2) If I can't do replication, is there anyway to merge two databases using a
DTS package or something ?
Michael Tissington
Hi Michael Tissington,
From your descriptions, I understood that you would like to know whether
there is an workaround when you do not have the authority to make
replication. Have I understood you? If there is anything I misunderstood,
please feel free to let me know

Unfortunately, I dont think DTS could be used to replace Replication. From
BooksOnline or MSDN Online, we could fine the descriptions like these
Data Transformation Services (DTS) can be used to import and export data
between heterogeneous OLE DB and ODBC data sources. A DTS package is
defined that specifies the source and target OLE DB data sources; the
package can then be executed on an as-required basis or at scheduled times
or intervals.
Using replication, you can distribute data to different locations, to
remote or mobile users over a local area network, using a dial-up
connection, and over the Internet. Replication also allows you to enhance
application performance, physically separate data based on how it is used
(for example, to separate online transaction processing (OLTP) and decision
support systems), or distribute database processing across multiple servers.
If there is only a tiny modification in a large database, you will have to
make a whole new Data Transformation, which will must be cost huge of time
and sometimes money. while Replication will use little transactions to make
In the meanwhile, we could use DTS to transfer data between different data
source while replication has rather limitations.
Hope it helps and thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have
any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know. We are here to be
of assistance!
Sincerely yours,
Mingqing Cheng
Microsoft Developer Community Support
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Please reply to newsgroups only, many thanks!
there are many hosting companies out there who offer hosting with SQL Server
installed. Off the top of my head I don't know of any who offer replication
publishing services but the first one I found in a Google search offers
replication subscriber services:
Using DTS to merge databases is not at all simple, but it is possible - you
can use binary checksums for each table to determine differences. BTW,
there's nothing inbuilt to allow you to do this, so all the code is to be
written in custom executesql tasks.
Paul Ibison
Thanks for the link, just what I'm looking for.
Michael Tissington
"Paul Ibison" <Paul.Ibison@.Pygmalion.Com> wrote in message
> Michael,
> there are many hosting companies out there who offer hosting with SQL
> installed. Off the top of my head I don't know of any who offer
> publishing services but the first one I found in a Google search offers
> replication subscriber services:
> Using DTS to merge databases is not at all simple, but it is possible -
> can use binary checksums for each table to determine differences. BTW,
> there's nothing inbuilt to allow you to do this, so all the code is to be
> written in custom executesql tasks.
> hth,
> Paul Ibison
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